Dog Bed Hack

We are a bit lazy.  We usually choose the twin beds option in our van and don’t bother setting up the king size bed.  The only snag in this operation is having Emma jumping between both beds and sharing the limited space of the twin bed with us during the night.

If you have twin beds and share our predicament, here is a quick hack that will take only a few seconds to set up and will cost nothing!

We were happy to discover that in the Banff the tables fit perfectly in the space between the twin beds.


The smaller cushions are the same length as the longer table.


We tried it, and all three of us were delighted with the results and we all sleep much better now.


If you happen to have a larger dog and would like to try this, use both tables and the longer cushions (it will be harder to step over it though, unless you have really long legs).

Let us know if you come up with any other uses for the tables.  Our friend Kevin uses it as a side table – can you find other uses for the them?

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0 thoughts on “Dog Bed Hack

  1. chris saeger says:

    We did this with our standard Poodle,Monty. He slept on it for awhile but always want back to his shag carpet on the floor. After awhile we gave up. It is a nice fit.

  2. Diane Mann says:

    We have the sofa in the back of ours… so we don’t need this hack. However, the outcome is the same. Brianna, our spoiled-rotten cattle dog, sleeps on the sofa part between us, even though she has her own custom dog bed over the seat behind the driver. (Roadtrek RS Adventurous)

  3. [m]ihály says:

    If dogs have it their way…they’d sleep on the pillow along with you…or a cat sleeping in a leg crater and you don’t want to disturb the cat, so your forced to sleep like a pretzel for 4 hours.

    We have 2 cockers that will wait patently for us to fall into a deep somber—then they will creep onto our pillows, or under the blankets. In the morning, both can be found on the floor with the others like nothing happened…and sometimes, they’ll nudge us to the edges of our own bed!

    That’s what you get when you have family sharing small spaces. If we had a king size bed…all would find a spot.

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