Coronavirus Diaries – Our Snow Froze!

Temperatures plummeted again and we were a bit late in prepaing our outdoor refrigerator.

Maple sap

It was so cold that the snow froze.  Since the outdoor refrigerator is basically a hole in the snow, it became a bit hard to do (yes, we just reinforced all those stereotypes about Canada).

Well, when we say the snow froze, we mean that it melted a bit and then the melted bits froze. Digging a cave for our container seemed like a lot of work so we left it for now.  All the sap in the buckets froze too anyway.

To pass the time we identified a few birch trees that we can tap once we are done with the maples.

Birch tree syrup

We cleaned and prepared the turkey fryer,

Turkey fryer for maple syrup

We built a closet in our bedroom just for fun.

And we wait.

Patience, friends.  It will pay off at the end!


14 thoughts on “Coronavirus Diaries – Our Snow Froze!

  1. petespringerauthor says:

    I like your attitude. No need to wallow in the collective misery of Covid. If you run out of projects, come on by. I’ve got plenty of things that I’ve procrastinated about 🤣

  2. Linda Hocher says:

    I have found that there is one thing you can truly rely on with the weather – it will always be the opposite of what you want! 🤦‍♀️

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