Our Heavenly Nightmare in Paradise is Over

We have the van back!  It’s fixed and everything seems to be working as it should be.  Even better, the warranty kicked in and we didn’t have to pay for the work that was done.  Paying for 18 nights at  Airbnbs and hotels was steep enough; it was nice to get some of a break.

We had fun, but we need to go home now.  Hence, we say goodbye to the gorgeous turquoise water and start heading north.

We stopped for the first night at Payne Prairie State Park and enjoyed some nature time away from the beach hustle.

It’s so nice to be in our little home on wheels again.

We’ve done many things while stranded in Florida and we have lots of future posts to share with you, but for now, we will just enjoy our newly found freedom and take a break until we get home.

Talk soon.


61 thoughts on “Our Heavenly Nightmare in Paradise is Over

  1. WanderingCanadians says:

    Woohoo! Glad to hear that your van is all fixed and that it was covered under warranty. Even though you made the most of the situation, I’m sure it’ll be nice to be back home. The weather is finally getting warmer!

  2. susan645 says:

    So happy you have your van back; I admire the way you dealt with the breakdown. FYI- there is a family owned business in Pennsylvania which sold and continues to service Hymer vans. Beaver Motors in Beaver Springs, PA; they are located near route 322; we have used them for an issue on our ProMaster chassis of our van. We were impressed with their service and met a couple their who had an issue with a Hymer camper van….praying your trip home is pleasant

  3. Ab says:

    Congrats on getting your van back. I didn’t realize the tour lasted 18 days. That is intense indeed. Look forward to hearing the stories not told yet!

  4. Linda Hocher says:

    Have a great trip home! You manage to find excitement whether you’re looking for it or not, don’t you. Take good care.

  5. Don says:

    Coming home now? Bonus here in S. Ont today. The first morning the tv news folks are talking about a humidex!

  6. Rebecca says:

    Finally, the torture is over! 😉 Haha, but seriously, thank goodness the van is fixed. Cherish that freedom, homeward bound, and I look forward to more posts about this soon!

  7. petespringerauthor says:

    Hi Margie. So glad that life is returning to normal. I haven’t blogged more than 15 minutes since I left for my trip because I’m busy having fun with the folks in front of me. I’ve seen two of my brothers and am flying to Denver tomorrow to catch up with the last of my brothers. Thunderstorms all day in Minnesota today including reports of tennis ball sized hail only ten miles away. I’ve never seen anything like that.

    • backroadsandotherstories says:

      Yikes! I hope it won’t turn into a nastier storm! So glad you made this trip, and yeah, it’s so hard to blog when you are so busy travelling! We will be in Denver later this month probably to see our daughter. Too bad we couldn’t be there at the same time 😥

  8. Duwan @MakeLikeAnApeman says:

    Congrats on getting back into your home. I can think of a few places I might not mind getting stuck in Florida but getting stuck in never Ideal. Safe travels on your way north!

  9. Stuart Danker says:

    Sure does sound like a snag in your plans to have your van out of service for that long. And paying for long-term accommodation sounds expensive too. But hey, like you said, smooth is boring, and I’m sure you got tons of unexpected stories from this detour. Enjoy your home on wheels!

  10. Mike and Kellye Hefner says:

    Nightmare indeed! So glad you had the time to travel in Florida and post about it for all of us, but I (Kellye) can only imagine how frustrating and expensive it was having to regroup while waiting on the van to be repaired. I am enjoying your posts!

  11. alisendopf says:

    I feel your pain. I have a 1991 VW campervan and it’s broken down a few times. In Moab, I dropped the van at the mechanics while I paddled the Green River for 6 days. At the end, the van was done and I could drive home again.

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