I Had to Post While I’m Still Up Here!

You are most likely used to, and expecting from us a post of “roughing it” in our little campervan either long-hauling it on the highway, or leisurely chugging along the back roads of North America.

Well, life threw a curve ball our way and while we were in Denver my brother’s heart stopped.

It was restarted by his wife and then the medics, but he was dead for a bit.  There was a lot of chaos for several days as he was under induced coma, but woke up fine.  The short story is that he came out of surgery a few hours ago and I am on a plane to Israel to stay with him while he recovers.

But this is not a regular flight.  The flight was already expensive and the upgrade to business class was relatively reasonable so I went for it.  The lure was not so much comfort on a very long flight (although that doesn’t hurt), but rather the ability to be at a distance from other people who tend to breath on you.

After all, according to the Canada Health, we are in the midst of a 7th wave.

The problem is that I may be forever spoiled now as  I recline in my little private pod,

after a salmon dinner, a Chardonnay, and a beer.

Anyway, I had to publish a post suspended in mid-air.  So this one is in real time using El Al’s free WiFi. Once I have a bit of time I will write a more detailed review of business class on the Dreamliner.

The flight is almost 11 hours and this is as comfortable as it gets.  Now, we just need my brother to get well!

Stay safe out there!


71 thoughts on “I Had to Post While I’m Still Up Here!

  1. paolsoren says:

    What a trip; from Death’s door to Israel. Where in Israel will you be. Can we put in orders? I’m sure there is somewhere for which I would love to see a photograph! If I can’t go there I can at least get someone else to.

  2. Bitchy After 60 says:

    Sorry to hear about your brother. Fingers crossed for a good recovery. Everyone must be exhausted, but oh my you will probably sleep quite well in that private pod. All the best.

  3. petespringerauthor says:

    Oh gosh, Margie. What a scary situation! I sure hope everything turns out fine with your brother.

    It’s hard to keep track of the endless waves. I just got my 2nd booster yesterday.

  4. Rebecca says:

    Sorry to hear about the family emergency, but also kudos to you for blogging while flying– that’s some true dedication! Wishing you and your family well, and do stay safe while on the road (or up in the air)!

  5. beth says:

    here’s to your brother’s recovery and how terrifying that must have been for the whole family. I’m glad you had the chance to fly in peace and comfort –

  6. peggy says:

    So sorry about your brother – hope everything turns out well. Life certainly gets sad and hectic at times. Love and prays to you.

  7. Ab says:

    I am very sorry to hear about your brother. How scary that must have been for all of you. I wish him a full and speedy recovery.

    In the meantime, that flight looked mighty comfortable and awesome. I’m glad you found a way to spoil yourself amidst the pandemic and medical scares.

    Take good care and enjoy your time together!

  8. kagould17 says:

    Hope your brother is doing well and good on you for helping look after him. I am with you on doing what can be done to maintain distance these days. Stay well. Allan

  9. johnrieber says:

    Thanks for sharing this and he is lucky to have you there to help him recover fully – as for your flight, I agree that, even with airline air cleaner than most, it’s nice to be distanced over such a long period

  10. rkrontheroad says:

    So sorry about your brother’s hardship, and quite amazing to hear he is recovering so well. He is fortunate to have family to rush out to be by his side. Your wonderful flight will help calm you before you get there. I’ve never flown anything but coach – looks sweet.

  11. Ingrid says:

    Sending well wishes for your brother and hoping for a speedy recovery. If ya gotta be stuck on a plane for 11 hours, that’s the way to do it.

  12. Lookoom says:

    There are times when the presence of loved ones makes a difference, it is good that you can make the effort to join your brother now. Thank you for giving us the benefit of some unusual facilities.

  13. Pat Foley says:

    So sorry to hear about your brother, but glad to hear that he is recovering. Looks like a very nive way to fly !!!

  14. viewfromoverthehill says:

    So sorry to hear about your brother’s situation. I wish him a rapid recovery. As for travel by First Class on long hauls, I always do that because I’m ancient and if I don’t get to sleep, which I can’t do sitting up, I end up getting dizzy due to a vestibular condition. It is certainly worth it. Take care of you. All the best, Muriel

  15. Jim Borden says:

    I am sorry to hear about your brother, but I am glad he is doing OK. He was lucky to have his wife close by, and it sounds like she knew CPR. How nice that you are able stay with him.

    That looks like the way to fly – it will be hard to go back to economy class (if you ever do!).

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