Music to my Ears

My time is filled with surgery recovery chores.  There aren’t any sightseeing activities on the agena.  I do get a glimpse of the outside world every now and then, and I usually spot something a bit unusual.  During today’s outing to a pharmacy on the other side of town I noticed an unexpected feature in the playground.

Isn’t it wonderful?   First introduction to art and culture in an unexpected place tucked between a bank and a tiny plaza.

Just look at these little fingers!  A minute ago they were hanging, pushing, pulling, and digging.  See how calm and soft they are now?

More, please!

Posted in: Art

51 thoughts on “Music to my Ears

  1. Life with Alegria says:

    I haven’t been on here much over the summer, but surgery? Israel? I need to crack up on your posts. Hope all is okay.
    And yes, so lovely to see a piano in the middle of everything, encouraging joy and curiosity. Beautiful observation.

      • Life with Alegria says:

        Just read them yes! Sorry to hear and glad things are improving.
        And yes, busy with fun. We did the Atlantic provinces trip we’d talked about a while ago when you shared your fabulous blog posts. There wasn’t time enough for Newfoundland, but we did the rest and absolutely loved it. I’ll be sharing on the blog for sure. Thanks for the inspiration.
        Stay safe and we’ll yourself. All the best to your brother on his recovery.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I love public pianos! Every once in a while I see one in an odd place – like in Atlanta under a bridge covered with graffiti along a walking trail.

    Looks like a lovely park.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I hope things have settled down and life is slowly returning to normal. It’s good of you to stay with your brother. Had you ever been to Israel before?

  4. Anonymous says:

    The last “Anonymous” was your blogging buddy, Pete. Just wanting to say hi and hope you’re doing well.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I think it’s a great idea to have pianos in public places, I’ve witnessed great performances several times. I’m just a bit sad for the pianos to be thrown out into the street.

  6. Ab says:

    How very fun and creative and unexpected! Is that a permanent fixture? How do they maintain and weather proof it?

    Hope your brother is better!

    • backroadsandotherstories says:

      Thanks, he is improving! This is a permanent feature in the park. The piano is constructed from weather resistant materials such as concrete, and all of the seams along its body are sealed. There is no wood in the construction as far as I could see. It’s a project that is spearheaded by the lottery corporation in Israel and dozens of pianos were placed in parks and along boulevards throughout the country.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I have never seen this sight in our area, but what a very cool idea. Hope the stress level has gotten a little better in recent days and all is well.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Outdoor, public pianos are always a wonderful surprise! Despite playing piano, I’ve never had the courage to sit down and plunk away at one in public. Hope you have a speedy recovery!

  9. kayak2016blog says:

    I’ve deleted the link, but there’s a wonderful video of a pianist playing piano to zoo animals during covid, and their reactions – when regular audiences were not available.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I hope your brother is doing well. What an unexpected surprise to stumble upon a public piano. And looks like you even got a live concert!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Hope your recovery is progressing well. Amazing how even the smallest outing can seem special. Cheers. Allan

  12. viewfromoverthehill says:

    Again for some reason I can’t ‘like’ your post. I ALWAYS like your posts. Hope your brother is getting better day by day. Why aren’t I surprised you’d find a piano in a playground. All the best, Muriel

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