Pukaskwa Camp Hosting: September 19

We woke up to a sunny but cooler day (14c/57f).  After a quick breakfast we drove to Mink Falls, a spectacular waterfall situated about 16 km west of Marathon. 

A short, steep trail leads to the first viewing point.

We are at this point on top of the waterfall

with views of the river approaching the waterfall

and the waterfall barreling down

with golden hues.

We continued down the trail to another viewing point that was lower

and revealed a second waterfall to the right of the first one. 


We continued further down the path to find yet another waterfall!

On the way back we picked a small handful of blueberries (it was allowed since we were not on Parks Canada’s land anymore).   We had a late breakfast in the parking lot

and enjoyed some blueberries with it. 

We continued to try and find “The Crack”, a scenic crevice near the river, but weren’t able to find the unmarked trail based on the vague instructions that we received.  Instead we found the railway again… 

This time it also had a cool bridge that we could check out closely.

Perhaps too close…

I don’t think that this is allowed.

But should we tell someone about this?

And does anyone know what the function of these inner rails is?  I am sure that one of you is a train aficionado and can enlighten us.

The view from the bridge was beautiful and with not finding The Crack.

It’s nice that the sun is out and we can play again!


34 thoughts on “Pukaskwa Camp Hosting: September 19

  1. petespringerauthor says:

    You sure are masters at finding beautiful places. I’m not a train aficionado, but I was also curious about the inner rails. This is what Wikipedia says: Their presence prevents a derailed train from striking and damaging bridge components, or deviating from the track enough to leave the tracks entirely and roll over or fall.

  2. walkingoffthechessboard says:

    Lol at the “should we tell someone about this?” That bridge and the tracks look like they’d be so much fun to traverse…carefully, of course. Love the wild blueberries. The waterfall looks impressive…and well worth the walk!

  3. peggy says:

    What a fabulous trip. That definitely was a rough trial to the waterfall. What a gorgeous waterfall. The train bridge was quite interesting. I could never walk across that bridge with my balance problems. I imagine you got lots of exercise.

  4. Ab says:

    What a beautiful day you two had. Such scenic views and reminded me of the time we picked wild blueberries to eat at Wawa and wild raspberries at Thunder Bay. Walking on the train tracks must’ve been quite a thrill!

  5. WanderingCanadians says:

    What a beautiful waterfall, or rather series of waterfalls. I love how there’s all these various viewpoints along the trail to see all the different angles and vantage points of the falls. What a treat to also find some blueberries on the trail that you could pick.

  6. paolsoren says:

    I love old bridges and railway bridges and waterfalls. So no more need be said. Except that unseasonal rain has produced some great waterfalls here in Oz and some might even challenge yours.

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