The Chronicles of Sarnia – The Christmas Edition

We hope everyone had a very good Christmas.  Some of you were bedridden with Covid, but hopefully feeling better now.

We drove to Denver to fetch the daughter that got away, and together with the freed hostages, we spent Christmas together for the first time in six years.  You never know what the next year will dump at your doorstep, so use your time well and hang on to your loved ones.

But back to our Christmas.  It was the first time that our grandpuppies, Penny and Parker would meet each other and we were hoping that they would get along.

They did!

It looks like these two were cut from the same cloth.

They were inseparable!  Mostly, they wanted to go outside and play very rough in the snow.

But sometimes Penny needed a break from puppy-time

and she did find a few good hiding places in the house.

It was nice to have the kids around, the traditional Christmas dinner, the presents the next morning, the many delicious meals.

But now we have something else to look forward to and some big news to share.  The hostages used their freedom well, and are expecting their first child in July!  Our little family is growing.

We are wishing you all a very happy and healthy new year.  Next time we talk it will be 2023.  May it be a good one.

43 thoughts on “The Chronicles of Sarnia – The Christmas Edition

  1. Linda Hocher says:

    A perfect Christmas for your family. Congratulations! Wishing you all the best for 2023. You have lots to look forward to! ❤️

  2. petespringerauthor says:

    We nearly crossed paths as my wife and I were in Denver over Thanksgiving. I have a brother who lives in Aurora. Seeing Penny and Parker enjoying each other’s company (not to mention the human folks) brings a smile to my face.

  3. viewfromoverthehill says:

    Loved this post. Congrats on the upcoming special events in your family. Recently visited Denver for the first time. Very interesting indeed. Enjoy 2023. May it be a fabulous year for us all. Cheers, Muriel

  4. Ab says:

    What a wonderful Christmas you had! Love the two grand pups playing together and congrats on the family news!!! Wishing you all a happy new year.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I loved the dogs playing together. I enlarged your family dinner: I would have had second helpings of everything. Especially the eggs.

    • backroadsandotherstories says:

      It was a good dinner although we made it on the fly after a long drive from Denver. Tony usually makes the eggs into little works of art that transform every year, but this year they were plain, but delicious.

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