Sarnia has a special garden. It is a residential garden designated as a Monarch Waystation. It offers resources that help native butterflies by providing host plants for eggs and larva for a variety of butterflies. The waystation had an open house hosted by Karen Durance, the homeowner. It is just a few streets over from … Continue reading The Chronicles of Sarnia: Waystation #10548
Category: Environment
Pukaskwa Camp Hosting: September 22
Because we are staying put in one place for so long, we start exploring some of the lesser known places around the park. Today, our plan was to go and find the big dunes at the mouth of Pic River. The dunes are located within the Pic First Nation's territory which is just outside the … Continue reading Pukaskwa Camp Hosting: September 22
Pukaskwa Camp Hosting: September 18
We finally managed to wake up before 8am, drank only one pot of coffee and were able to have an earlier start to our day. It is Saturday and the visitor centre is open on weekends in the off-season, so we went to look at the displays first. We loved the women's regalia. Examined the … Continue reading Pukaskwa Camp Hosting: September 18
When Ice Melts
The lake was fierce today. The wind, mixed with freezing rain, stung our faces as we watched the waves crash onto the ice dunes. The waves exploded, misting the dunes, coating them with a new layer of frosted ice. It was beautiful to watch despite the freezing rain. Even though this was such a great … Continue reading When Ice Melts
Lake Huron Ice Formations
It finally got cold enough along the shore for the waves to slowly turn into ice and form magical landscapes. This is all new to us so we headed out to investigate a few of the beaches in the area. We hope you'll enjoy our findings as much as we did. Highland Glen Conservation Area … Continue reading Lake Huron Ice Formations
One Photo At A Time – Firefly
It's been a while since our last "one photo at a time" installments. You may have realized by now that it will most likely be more than one photo. This firefly wandered onto our deck and we examined it for a while before letting it go. It's a pretty cool creature even though it didn't … Continue reading One Photo At A Time – Firefly
Nurdles On the Beach
Something constantly draws us to the beach. We love coming across unexpected finds such as sea glass, shells, or an occasional treasure. We never heard of nurdles before and certainly did not expect to find them on a Port Elgin beach. When we spotted the first tiny object we thought it was a piece of … Continue reading Nurdles On the Beach