One Photo At A Time – Firefly

It’s been a while since our last “one photo at a time” installments.  You may have realized by now that it will most likely be more than one photo.

This firefly wandered onto our deck and we examined it for a while before letting it go.

It’s a pretty cool creature even though it didn’t flash for us.  We can’t tell you anything about it’s flash patterns, because it didn’t flash for us, but we can tell you that some firefly species are only identifiable by their flash pattern.

We took a sunset glam shot,

and a closer photo,

and said goodbye.

There were lots of flashers last night, but not enough to warrant a video.  Maybe another time.

If you are into fireflies and want to try and identify this guy, here is a very cool guide to fireflies of Ontario.

Until next time, stay safe and well!

21 thoughts on “One Photo At A Time – Firefly

  1. Karen Adams says:

    Love Fireflies. There’s nothing better than sitting around a fire with others and watching them glow.

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