20 thoughts on “[ONE PHOTO AT A TIME] Hope

  1. kagould17 says:

    I am with you, although I had more HOPE for positive change when Covid began. I still think there is hope, as more and more people find their way. Stay well. Allan

  2. petespringerauthor says:

    I have a librarian friend who works at a nearby university. She started this project and scatters these messages of hope around the campus. Part of the beauty of her process is she includes students painting rocks and distributing them.

    • backroadsandotherstories says:

      I love them! They are all over the forest. Some are just families, some are organized into groups. Some have a Facebook group recorded on the back and you can go there and let them know you found their stone. It’s such a positive act, and teaches those kids a lesson in kindness.

  3. freethemcgees says:

    We discovered a kindness rock at one of the state parks in Florida before Covid reached the U.S. and even then it put a huge smile on our faces. Not exactly the same message, but a sweet and selfless gesture.

    • backroadsandotherstories says:

      We also found them in some of the parks before the pandemic. The first one I found left us puzzled and I looked for information online to see what this may be. We found a few since then, but the numbers exploded since the pandemic. There just so many people that prefer to do something kind for the fellow humans. As small of a gesture as it may be.

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