Georgia on My Mind

As Georgia is front and centre in the news today we are reminded of a place that left a big impression on us.  Just before the pandemic, we visited a small town in Georgia called Americus.  Americus is home to Habitat for Humanity’s The Global Village and the Slum THeme Park.

At the time, we wondered about how this type of a global organization sprung in this southern state. It seems that there is more to Georgia than we realize.

You can read about The Global Village Theme Park here.

We leave you with this performance in the white house.  Have a wonderful day wherever you are!

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15 thoughts on “Georgia on My Mind

  1. Linda Hocher says:

    I remember your post on the Slum Theme Park. That really makes you stop and be thankful for what you have. All the little things we don’t even think of are all the things others struggle all their life to achieve.

  2. rkrontheroad says:

    I’ve been on a few Habitat house building projects in different countries (Guatemala and Nepal) and was scheduled to do one this year, which of course was canceled. They are life-changing, both for the future residents of the house and the volunteer builders. Amazing experience. I never heard of the Slum park, but would love to visit.

    • backroadsandotherstories says:

      We also had plans to join a build, but the virus was in the way. We are really hoping to go once the dust settles. If you have a chance to visit Americus it is well worth a visit, although for someone who is as familiar as you it may not be as formative as it may be for someone with no exposure.

  3. petespringerauthor says:

    I remember reading about this before, Margie and Tony. The America that I know is the one filled with good people doing the kind of important work that Habitat for Humanity does.

  4. Tom Ashman says:

    We camped at Georgia Veterans Memorial Park, and took the SAM shortline train ride to Americus stopping in Plains GA to pick up a bit of Carter Culture. The Habitat for Humanity HQ and Slum display affected both of us deeply. Perhaps reality check for us privileged folks who have two homes one static, the other mobile. Thanks for the memories, Tom and Dee.

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