Coronavirus Diaries – Boiling the Sap

Temperatures are warming up and the fridge is melting rapidly.

It is still cold enough for a ring of ice inside the pot to keep the sap nice and cold.

Maple syrup

We filtered the sap through some cheese cloth,

Maple syrup cheese cloth filter

brought out the turkey fryer and started boiling the sap.  In previous year we boiled the sap on an open fire, but frankly, this is so much easier…

Maple syrup turkey fryer

So far this was not a good year for sap and we were only able to collect about five gallons.  since the ratio of sap to syrup is about 1/40, we may get between a quarter to half a litre from this amount.

Not very much.

Hopefully the sap will run a bit longer so that we can boil some more.

Maple syrup

The sap starts off fairly clear, almost like water, and as it boils down it gradually turns a darker colour.

Maple syrup

It will now boil for several hours,

until it reaches 219 farenheit / 104 celsius when it will turn into syrup.

There’s another trick to tell when the sap turns to syrup, but you’ll have to wait until our next post.

Maple syrup temperature


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