Coronavirus Diaries – Pancakes for Dinner

With our first batch of maple syrup boiled and bottled, the next obvious step is to sample our freshly made product.

Pancake dinner tonight!

We have a very clear division of labour in our household; Tony is in charge of making crêpes, while I’m in charge of making pancakes.  It’s just one of our rules.

Tony follows his French Mother’s recipe for consistent fantastic results, but I experiment with the basic pancake recipe for surprising results every time.

I live on the edge, my friends, but also, you don’t mess with crêpes!

For tonight’s dinner I doubled the recipe since the hostages love pancakes. We ended up with about 40-50 small pancakes to smother in syrup.

About smothering.  The hostages especially the female one love their pancakes swimming in a pool of the expensive store-bought syrup.  It was interesting to see how conservative they were with this homemade syrup.  Almost treasuring it.

So what is the verdict?

Well, the syrup turned out amazing!  A little lighter in colour than the store bought one, but it seems a bit sweeter.  The whiskey bottled one had a hint of smokiness to it, which added umph (my version of umami).

There were just a few pancakes left at the end of the meal, but I am sure they will be gone very quickly, as will the remainder of the syrup.

We need to make more syrup, and I think that Tony is on the line for crêpes!

Here is the pancake recipe as I made it last night.  Note that this is the doubled up recipe, so if there are 2 of you, half the ingredients.

MArgie’s Pancakes
Mix it
  • 4 eggs (we substituted with 12 ice cubes of aqua fava due to egg allergies)
  • 4 1/2 liquids: we used half unsweetened almond milk and half milk and it turned out amazing
  • 4 Tbsp oil
  • 4 cups flour: this time we used white unbleached, but we usually mix in some whole wheat and oats
  • 2-4 Tbsp sugar: this time we used 4
  • 4 tsp baking soda: can be omitted if you don’t care about fluffiness
  • 1 tsp salt
  • a splash of vanilla
Cook it
  • Mix wet ingredients
  • Add dry ingredients and mix well, but not too smoothly
  • Use a 1/2 cup measuring cup to pour over a hot griddle (about 350f), or a hot frying pan lightly oiled.
  • Wait for bubbles to spread across the top and turn over
  • Cook until underside is light brown.
Eat It

Enjoy with your favourite syrup or jam.






34 thoughts on “Coronavirus Diaries – Pancakes for Dinner

  1. winteroseca says:

    I love your views on pancakes versus crêpes! I learned how to make crêpes properly at a French culinary school and no one messes with me on that! I am partial to pancakes though

  2. petespringerauthor says:

    Glad to see there was a payoff with the syrup. Your division of labor got me thinking about the roles my wife and I have adopted. Most of these things just kind of evolve without any discussion. While I’m better at math than her, my wife gets things done and doesn’t procrastinate the way I can. Hence, she became the billpayer in the family.

    • backroadsandotherstories says:

      Yeah, things evolve naturally with us as well, partly based on skills and affinity, and partly based on availability of time. When I started working full time outside of the house, Tony picked up a lot of the things that I did because he was working from home most days. I am sure things will change yet again once we retire. I will still be doing the laundry though 🙂

  3. Bitchy After 60 says:

    Yum! Looks delicious. Homemade pancakes are also a favourite at our house. We enjoy them even more when we get to scoop free maple syrup from my stepson. Crossing my fingers that we’ll get to go to Ontario this year or we will not have any to enjoy. Hopefully you will get the weather for more syrup. Homemade crepes to go with it would also be delicious.

  4. kagould17 says:

    Nice to sample the fruits of your labours. When we travelled through Quebec, we were told to always choose the lighter coloured maple syrup, as it was the best. They were right. Cheers. Allan

    • backroadsandotherstories says:

      Yes, the lighter coloured syrup is more delicate, while the darker has the strongest taste! The lighter colour is from trees that are tapped earlier in the season, so I suspect ours will turn darker as we go.

  5. Rebecca says:

    Pancakes for dinner?? Oh my…pancakes are delicious, especially those with chocolate chips (my favorite) and to add homemade syrup to it makes it all the more scrumptious. Enjoy your lovely meal!

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