The Coronavirus Diaries – Puzzles Are The New Toilet Paper

This epidemic changed how we view currency.  Forget Bitcom and gold, the current hot commodity evolved from toilet paper, hand sanitizers, soap, and masks, to hair colouring products and puzzles.

We finished the two puzzles that we had and found that there is a big puzzle economy out there.  People will drive distances to take a puzzle off your hands and leave theirs for you to labour over.  Neighbourhoods have puzzle exchange stations (after wiping them down of course), and others offer to mail their puzzles to those who are short on puzzle supplies.  At the same time others are hiking puzzle prices online and puzzle suppliers are experiencing supply shortage.  We have a potential puzzle dealer on standby as we speak!

The Universe

The butterfly puzzle that we just finished was a bit of a mystery to us.  It didn’t have the original box, just a cutout of top and we couldn’t remember where we got it.  I posted a photo of the completed puzzle on Facebook and a friend  from Israel sent me note with a picture of a similar puzzle that they had just completed.  What a coincidence!  Only then we remembered that this puzzle was in a care package Tony’s mother sent years ago.

Coronavirus Puzzles

A message from the universe that mothers and grandmothers can look after you in time of need even long after they pass. It doesn’t have to be in a physical form.  You now have the time to reflect and draw from the wisdom and strength of your elders—a practice our modern society was slowly departing from.

Another strange sign from the universe came in the form of a pruning saw.  While working in the yard Tony found an old saw that was forgotten in the bush.

At close inspection we found that the brand name of the saw is…

Wait for it…


How odd, and again, what are the chances?

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6 thoughts on “The Coronavirus Diaries – Puzzles Are The New Toilet Paper

  1. Linda Hocher says:

    Your surprise find really makes one stop and wonder. You never know what will turn up next. Keep looking. Maybe you’ll find a stash of puzzles!!

  2. paolsoren says:

    The real hope is that we will grasp the simple life back and keep it. The fear is that we go back to our old selfish profligate ways. I wonder what the younger ones are thinking.

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