The Coronavirus Diaries – Looking For Normal

It’s groundhog day again today.  A repeat of a repeat and a preview of our tomorrows. We just passed the 2 million mark of infected people around the world.  “What would Sarah Connor do?”   For a minute I felt like I was writing in her diary…”wait, is this real?”

“I’ll give you a puzzle if you give me some yeast.”

We share this communal vacation to nowhere, and there is nowhere to vacation if one could leave.  Who Shot JR comes close to this globally shared experience, but the closest I can come up with is The apocalypse in Terminator.

It does seem as if we are all losing it together…

“Oh, look!  Food!”

Remember aquafaba, the magic bean water? This time we want to tell you about riced cauliflower.

The only reason we have riced cauliflower in our freezer is that there were no other frozen vegetables in the supermarket a few weeks ago back when everyone was buying things like insane people.

The first time we realized its value was when we had leftover rice, but not enough for our next meal.  We added riced cauliflower and other veggies and the result was what seemed like more rice. We really couldn’t tell the difference.

You can use it with or without rice to reduce your carb intake and for an added veggie portion. There are lots of recipes online, here is an example of a delicious one!

Can you tell by looking at it which is rice and which is cauliflower?

Of course, you can make your own riced cauliflower by dicing a fresh whole cauliflower into tiny bits.

On other news

Tony is making progress on the new table.  I believe it’s table number 5.

Looking good!

“Pssst, Tony, I think we have enough tables now!”

Trying to get back to some familiar territory, I started some new wall art with branch slices.

Branch wall art

You think we like wood?

We are so lucky to have a large enough property that we can roam on.  We went for a walk on a path that runs behind our property and the neighbouring properties. It was so nice to be out.  Again, this brought a bit of normal back.

If you are still looking for things to do, check out this fabulous list of free stuff compiled by Rubber Tramp Artist.  I’m sure there is something there to catch your fancy or imagination!

Back to primal gender roles

Tony is the designated grocery shopper now. I tend to linger and examine every product, while he goes in and out in one grand sweep.  Today we needed to replenish some supplies and when he returned with the fruits of his chase I couldn’t help but feel our hunter-gatherer ancestry emerge to the surface just a bit.  I forage for herbs in the garden while he flings his catch on the table for me to admire. “Wow, you found ground meat” I say, while he admires the rosemary and oregano I picked.  He takes off his hunting gear (plastic gloves) and we both skin sanitize his prized findings before we bring them in the house.

Yup. History does repeat itself, but in such strange ways!

Virus Fatigue

The van looks a bit sad. It will be awhile before we can take her out for a trip.

We need to take a break from virus-related posts and find normal again.  Although living in quarantine is our reality now it doesn’t mean that we need to be consumed by it.  Although we can’t really make any definite travel plans, we can at least finish telling you about our recently completed trip south.  We have some treats for you including Salvador Dali’s Museum, a Slum Themed Park, and beautiful Savannah to mention a few places.

Stay tuned!

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8 thoughts on “The Coronavirus Diaries – Looking For Normal

  1. Linda Hocher says:

    I love that you’re planning ahead. By the time this weird time is over you’ll be making a mint by selling all those tables! 🤗. Keep up the great work!
    For some strange reason I have a desire for cauliflower. Hmm do I still have rice?

  2. Heyjude says:

    We have been using cauli rice (home made from mashing cooked cauliflower, I have never seen it in the freezer here) for over a year in an effort to reduce carbs. We also spiralise courgettes to replace pasta! Your tables and wall art look fabulous. What’s not to like about wood!

  3. fragglerocking says:

    Lovely skill to have, workiing with wood. My hubby is doing the shopping too for the same reasons, and I’m tending the herbs and keeping house, he has to go to work at the hospital so scary times, but we try to keep stoic. Am jealous of you having your own footpaths to tread, but I’m content in my garden. I”m doing my diaries too, come on over when you get a moment 🙂 but don’t worry if you are too busy!

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